Our results for 2021

Gender pay reporting

The Group’s UK employees, relevant for gender pay reporting, amounted to 574 employees.

We have used a relevant pay period of 1st August 2020 to 31st March 2021. This 8-month pay period is used because the use of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme between April and July 2020 would distort the gender pay gap figures.

Gender pay gap

This reports the difference between the gross hourly earnings for all men and the gross hourly earnings for all women.

We are pleased to report that both the mean and median difference in hourly rate of pay for males and females is low in relation to the current national average; The 2021 national average mean gender pay gap is 7.9% and the national average median gender pay gap is 15.4%.
graphic detailing gender balance mean and median pay gap at Marley

Gender balance

The table opposite shows the proportion of men and women in each of the four pay quartiles. It was noticeable during the period that the company increased employee numbers in the factory environment, with new shifts. Whilst positions are open to all, there were a significantly higher number of male applicants and recruits, which reduced the overall share of females across the quartiles.
graphic detailing gender balance pay gap at Marley

Proportion receiving a bonus

The Gender bonus gap is based on incentives paid between August 2020 and March 2021.

The number of women receiving a bonus payments has increased from the previous year, whereas the number of males receiving bonus has fallen.

graphic detailing gender balance proportion receiving a bonus pay gap at Marley graphic detailing gender balance bonus pay gap at Marley
We are committed to continuously reviewing and assessing the levels of gender equality in Marley, the balance of male and female employees at the different levels, and how effectively we are maximising and rewarding talent.

I confirm that the information contained in the gender pay gap report dated 4th April 2021 is accurate.

David Speakman
Chief Executive Officer