Marleys safe in the sun campaign header

We are urging outdoor workers to stay safe in the sun!

This year's Safe in the Sun wellbeing campaign focuses on working in the heat and how to prevent and spot the signs of heatstroke. 

As summer arrives in the UK it's important outdoor workers understand the risks of working in the heat and how issues like heatstroke can be prevented. Marley's survey found while 68% of roofers said sun safety was communicated in the workplace, nearly a fifth said their employers do not address it.

To help contractors stay safe in the summer heat, Marley has launched its annual Safe in the Sun campaign and is sharing the following tips from the Health and Safety Executive. We're also giving away a limited number of branded t-shirts alongside a branded cooling towel to help keep workers safe this summer.

Tips to stay safe in the heat

Marley annual safe in the sun campaign icons

Do you know the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke? The NHS advises to watch out for the below: 

  • Spells of tiredness, headaches or dizziness
  • Feeling or being sick 
  • Excessive sweating and skin becoming pale and clammy 
  • Fast breathing or heartbeat
  • Having a high temperature and being very thirsty

Find out more at

What are the steps you can take to ensure safe working ways in the sun? The HSE gives the following advice for companies whose employees work in hot environments:

  • Reschedule work to cooler times of the day
  • Provide more frequent rest breaks and introduce shading to rest areas
  • Provide free access to cool drinking water
  • Encourage workers to remove PPE when resting to help to help encourage heat loss
  • Make sure workers can recognise the early symptoms of heat stress

Find out more at

Roofer working on a roof
Marley safe in the sun campaign giveaways with no background

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Terms and conditions. One t-shirt and cooling towel per person. Multiple applications are not permitted. Delivery to mainland addresses in England, Wales and Scotland only. Items available to individuals working in the roofing industry only. Subject to availability. Completing the form does not guarantee you will be sent a T shirt and cooling towel. Once dispatched, Marley does not accept responsibility for items that are not delivered.