Solar PV

Training Courses

An insight into the world of Solar PV.

With renewable energy such a minefield of information we have 3 dedicated courses to help support you with knowledge and experience in Solar PV and using the Marley SolarTile®

  • An introduction to Solar PV (online via Teams) 
  • Solar installation Training day 
  • On-site solar Training using the Marley SolarTile®

Scroll through the below to find out a bit more about each course and how to book on today!

Solar Installation Training

The rising demand for solar panels on UK properties means there has never been a better time to include solar as part of your roofing services.

At Marley, we are training roofers on how to install our roof integrated Marley SolarTile®, so that they can make the most of the opportunity that installing solar panels provides.

Our solar installation training is a 1-day course held in the training centre at our Head office in Burton-upon-Trent.

On this course, you’ll learn:

  • How to design solar arrays using the Marley configurator
  • How to set out and centre a rectangular array
  • How to test solar panels before installing
  • How to make safe electrical connections
  • How to install the Marley SolarTile® system
  • Considerations for stringing an array
  • How to install roof tiles around the Marley SolarTile® system


Kevin Taylor (left) teaching how to install solar panels

An intro to Solar PV (online or in branch)

Who's it for?

Designed for staff working for companies who stock Marley roofing products and want to further their knowledge about the changing roofing industry, as well as contractors who wish to upskill into the renewable sector. This course will benefit anyone who is new into the renewable industry.

This course will be run by your local Marley representative and therefore can be either delivered either over Teams or in your branches/ offices. 

What's it about?

An in-depth look at Solar PV, the types available on the market, and what is driving the shift towards a greener future.

How long does it last?

Roughly two hours

Maximum number of delegates:

As the course is either over teams or within your branch/ offices, there is no limit!

What will I learn?

By the end of the day you will have: 

  • Learnt about the different technologies within the PV industry
  • Understood the different types of systems available within the pitched roofing sector
  • Discussed the legislation changes, and the potential impacts in Roofing 
  • Identified the benefits of installing Solar, for both the end client, and the installer
  • Gained a better understanding of the Marley Full system offering

On-site Solar Training

If you have a job coming up using our Marley SolarTile®, we can offer on-site training for you and your team.
Kevin Taylor (right) helping a student of the solar installation training course